MacQueen’s Birthday: 2016
Where are you from: Cornwall, PEI
What are three adjectives that describe your class: Energetic, motivating, and challenging.
How do you want people to feel during your class: I want people to be swept up in the energy of the class and feel powerful and strong.
What is your music style: I would describe my style as eclectic. I use all kinds of music, it is the foundation of my classes. Music makes the class fun and the right song can help push you out of your comfort zone.
What do you feel is your strength as a coach: Besides having great playlists, I focus on cueing proper technique and body posture so that you work as efficiently as possible and avoid unnecessary body strain.
What occupies your life outside of coaching: I am a registered dietitian with a psychology background and am a manager with Health PEI. I am always working on ‘work-life balance’ but many days I find it a challenge! I try to move as much as I can, am a faithful participant in pilates reformer classes, do a bit of yoga and have been slowly getting into golf.
Give us a random fact about you: I used to be a rhythmic gymnast and coach, and played field hockey at university. I did my indoor cycling certification with Johnny G Spinning, am a certified Pilates instructor and used to teach ski lessons.